Add These Critical Hockey Skills To Your Game

Help your player STAND OUT, PLAY BETTER, and MOVE UP the ranks in hockey 

help your player STAND OUT, PLAY BETTER, and MOVE UP the ranks in hockey

Discover important skills missing from their game.

As a parent or coach, you are always looking for opportunities to help your player play better hockey.

How would you like to help them take their compete level, and focus, and confidence, and motivation up a few notches so the next time they hit the ice they are the player that everyone notices? 

And then watch them maintain that intensity shift after shift after shift?

How amazing would it feel to know that your player is the one that others talk about as having incredible skill, raw talent, competitive drive, and emotional control?

They’re the player on the ice with the head, heart, mind, and body of an elite player. 

What I call a complete player.

What if you could make this happen by adding a few core hockey skills to their game that, up until now, no one has ever specifically taught them before?

Do you think that would make them more competitive on the ice and help them have a bigger impact on the outcome of games?

If your player has all these bases covered, then you’re not who I’m reaching out to.

But, if these are things that you know would have a dramatic impact on their game, then you need to hear what I'm about to tell you.

Admit it. This isn't the first time you've thought that maybe there are things that you haven’t heard about yet or haven’t had access to. Something that others know and you don’t. Some inside secret that other players have learned and is the reason they are excelling, and others like you just haven’t been privy to yet.

Well guess what!? ... You might be right!!
Keep reading and you're going to discover exactly how to help your player become a better hockey player without having to increase the amount of time they spend on the ice, in the gym, or working out with a private skills coach.
Well Guess What!? ... You Might Be Right!
Hey, my name is Coach Kevin Willis, folks call me Dr. Dub... 

As a Sport Psychologist and coach for over 20 years, I have players tell me every day that they’ll do anything and everything to improve their hockey skills.

And yet many of these same players are leaving out some of the most important and powerful skills in the game and they don’t even know they’re doing it.

Think about how much time and effort goes into developing the elite player. 

They spend hours on the ice every week during the season. 

They spend days and months throughout the summer working on new skills and honing existing skills so that they show up next season with an advantage over others.   

You’ve watched them put in the work to be their best but now you're starting to wonder if you've left something out!.

What if you found out that something is missing from their game and if you don’t address it right away, has the potential to derail everything they’ve been working towards.

It’s so diabolical that it can bring down even the best players and I bet it’s not even on your radar.
And sadly, until this missing element is resolved, they can never be the best

Until they add this to their hockey development, they will never reach their full potential and will constantly struggle to stand out and move up in this game that they love so much.

I remember coaching a player that had all the hockey skills in the world. 

He was fast.

He was big.

He could fill the net

And by the age of 14 was at the top of every scouting list across North America.

He was good from an early age and consistently dominated in every league he played.

And then it happened ...

Invited to skate with a major junior team in the OHL, for the first time in his hockey journey, he wasn’t the best player on the ice.

He was still fast, but not the fastest.

He was still big, but not the biggest.

He could still put pucks ON net, but struggled to put them IN the net.

His compete level flat-lined because he wasn’t winning the battles like he used to.

His puck skills slipped because he was so worried about getting his clock cleaned that he barely held on to the puck.

His size and skill wasn't enough anymore and he didn’t know what to do.

Here was his big chance and he was blowing it because he didn’t know how to handle it.

I have coached hundreds of players who tell me they want to be the best. 

They tell me they’ll do anything it takes to take their game up to the next level. 

They put in the time on the ice. 

They hit the gym to lift and run. 

They work with a fitness or skating coach to hone their skills. 

All to transform into the player that coaches and scouts want on their team.

And like the player I just mentioned, it can all be for nothing if they don’t develop all parts of their game.

They work so hard to get themselves ready so they can shine when they get their shot. 

But sadly just like most of the other players they line up against each week, at the end of the day they're leaving half of their hockey development up to pure chance.

So, have you figured out what you're rolling the dice on?
So, have figured out what you're rolling the dice on?

Ask any player, coach, scout, parent, GM, or anyone that knows the game, ask them how much the game is mental and how much is physical and what do you think they’ll say? ... What would you say?

50% mental?

75% mental? ... or more?

Every time I do a talk and ask this question, no one ever says less than 50%. 

Most say 60% or 70% or even 80% but no one has ever said anything less than 50%.

And yet when I ask these same players, coaches, and parents how much time is devoted to learning this part of the game, guess what they say?

Nothing ... Nada ... Zilch
BOOM! … like a punch to the gut, everything becomes clear!

You just realized that with everything you’ve done so far to give your player every advantage to be their best and up until now you have invested literally zero time and money developing this part of their game.

All these years you’ve been watching them train and up to this point, they’ve only been training half their game.

You’ve watched them prepare on the outside but didn’t realize they were doing nothing to get ready on the inside.

And it’s not your fault.

Hockey doesn’t do enough to train this part of the game and unless you take it upon yourself to get involved and make this a mandatory part of their development, it will probably never happen.

And if that happens, when the time comes and they get their big break, they won’t be ready. 

A big part of their game will be left to chance and all you will be able to do is cross your fingers and hope they make it through.

This can be a powerful “ah ha” moment. 

But it's also the moment when you get to decide what you’re willing to do to help your player reach their full potential in hockey.

Do you want them to be half a player or a Complete Player?

Right now you have a chance to do something about it!

Or you can sit back and rationalize it away, try to convince yourself that they’ll be ok.

They’re fine with the path their on and they’ll pick this stuff up along the way and they’ll probably have the mental toughness they need when the time comes.

Because they will definitely need it!


And the thing is, training mental toughness is not difficult.

We know that players that are mentally tough perform better than players that are not.

Especially in tough, pressure situations.

Anyone can be tough when things are easy.

Only the mentally tough player can be tough when things are hard.

What happens to confidence when they are struggling?

What happens to performance when they are under pressure?

What happens to composure, motivation, discipline, determination, commitment, and compete-level when things are difficult and they’re not sure they have what it takes?

What happens if they’re not mentally prepared when that time comes?

They fail.

They choke.

Then you both realize how much time, effort, and money you’ve put into all this hockey development all the while there was a critical missing element.


So, right about now most of you are thinking one of three things;

"I hear you Coach, I think we’re all set and don’t need to worry about this. All that stuff you just described shouldn’t be a problem for us. We’ve got it covered”.
"I hear what you’re saying coach, but don’t they learn this stuff from the game? I’ve heard that just playing the game teaches you mental toughness, isn’t that right!?
"Yeah, what the heck. Where has all this kind of training been all these years? … what’s going on?”

Growing up I was always told that "if you aren't tough, the game would toughen you up".

“Get back in there and try harder”, they would tell me.

The idea was that you were either born tough or the game would toughen you up.

And if you weren't tough or could get tough, the game would spit you out.

And then everyone left standing would be tough.

Boy, were they wrong!

The problem with thinking like this is it isn’t 20 years ago.

Today’s game is different than ever before.

Players today are different than they have ever been.

Today’s game is fast. It’s physical. Players need to be able to think quick, make fast decisions, and then execute on those skills.

Big or small, today’s player has to think the game at a whole new level, and yet we have done very little to train this most important muscle in the body...

... The Mental Muscle
  • Until players decide to make mental game training part of their development, it will never happen.
  • Until coaches decide to add mental game training to their coaching program, it will never happen.
  • If you believe that the game alone will teach your player mental toughness, be ready to see them get left behind at some point.
  • If you wait for someone or something to magically bestow mental toughness on your player, be prepared to see them get shuffled out.
  • Until you make an intentional decision to add mental toughness training to your players game, there’s a pretty good chance it may never happen.
  • Until players decide to make mental game training part of their development, it will never happen.
  • Until coaches decide to add mental game training to their coaching program, it will never happen.
  • If you believe that the game will teach your player mental toughness, be ready to see them get left behind at some point.
  • If you wait for someone or something to magically bestow mental toughness on your player, be prepared to see them get shuffled out.
  • Until you make an intentional decision to add mental toughness training to your players game, there’s a pretty good chance it may never happen. 
  • Until you take deliberate steps to ensure that your player is getting the mental game training they need, and with the same priority and attention to detail as they do their physical game, it just won’t happen on its own.

Trust me. I have players and coaches and parents tell me every day “yeah, we’re working on putting something together”, and then when I see them a year later and ask them how it’s going, they look down sheepishly and admit they still haven’t done anything.

It’s not fair to the player that wants to be the best

Players that are willing to do the work deserve the best coaching they can get and that includes mental game training.

And as a coach or parent, now that you know how important this is to your players overall development, if you decide to hold off or pass on making this available to your player, I fear that one day you’ll kick yourself for not adding this to their development when you should have.

And then when your player is struggling at the higher levels or has lost interest in the game altogether, because of the stress and pressure that comes with playing elite hockey, you’ll know that you should have pushed harder to make this happen.

And I’ll say it again...

Training Mental Toughness is Not Difficult.

There just has to be a deliberate, intentional decision to add this type of training to your players development.

And you need a proven system that can break down all of these critical skills into bite sized pieces so that they can be incorporated into the hockey training and development your player is already getting.

One player I worked with recently made that decision.

I was approached by a u17 player, his dad, and his coach. 

He was just drafted to the USHL and had the skill to play at that level but all agreed that he wasn’t ready mentally. 

Since he had never had any mental coaching in the past, there was a very good chance he would struggle with his mental game unless they did something prior to training camp.

Working together throughout the summer we address his mental toughness and we were able to boost his confidence, focus, commitment, and determination to a level he had never experienced before, and allowed him to get off to an amazing start with his new team.

And it all started with a decision to train this part of his game.

There are hundreds, even thousands of players who will get opportunities like this, but how many players will be ready and able to show up and be their best when it counts the most.

While that short mental toughness program I put him through was just the tip of the iceberg for what he would need to stay playing at the higher levels, I saw how powerful a start it could be.

Both his coach and his dad agreed that he became a different player that summer. He was more confident, better focused, and grittier. All because of his mental toughness training.

That's when it clicked!
It was then that I realized that a targeted, focused, mental toughness program is a great way to expose more players to the importance of mental toughness training.

This could be just what the doctor ordered to help players to see how they can add this crucial element to their overall development.

Rather than focus on getting players to enroll in my full 3-month Mental Toughness Bootcamp, I will challenge coaches and parents to get their players started on an intense 30-day sprint designed to teach them the critical areas of mental toughness and avoid the crushing disappointment they will feel when they get their chance and find out they weren’t ready.

That's why I created The Complete Player

This took months of trial and error to create and cost me more money than I care to admit, but it was totally worth it!

What used to take an entire season to roll out and implement, players can now get started right away and within 30-days have a powerful start on their road to mental toughness.

In fact, here's what players can expect after going through this challenge:

  • Help them get off the confidence roller coaster and keep confidence high so they learn to trust their game, perform more consistently, and be a bigger force on the ice.
  • Help them play faster, last longer, and compete at a higher level so they can have a bigger impact in games and be a dominant force on their team.
  • Show them core skills on how to stand out as one of the top players on their team and get the recognition they work so hard for.
  • Improve their ability to perform under pressure and become one of the go-to players on their team during crunch time.
  • Give them skills to bounce back faster and deal with the frustrations that come with adversity and setbacks so their skills and talent can shine through.
  • Build resilience and determination in them so they continue to work hard and stay the course regardless of the obstacles they face.
But don't take my word for it. Hear what some of the top coaches in hockey have to say about how important mental toughness is to a players game.
Barry Trotz, NHL Head Coach
A lot of players quit before they realize how close they were to the finish line and often it comes down to mental toughness. You have to find the inner strength and discipline that will allow you to get through those tough days because we all have them and the players that don't have mental toughness just won't survive.
Brett Larson, NCAA D1 Head Coach
The USHL and D1 is a big step, even for elite players. Kevin's work really helped our kids adapt to that transition and helped them accelerate their development throughout the year. I believe that what the guys learned about mental toughness was a contributing factor to our mid season turn around!"
Bruce Boudreau, NHL Head Coach
Dedication to your craft is really important and its about being able to sacrifice what it takes to become your best, that includes training your mental game as much as your on-ice game. If you want to be a hockey player, don't leave anything to chance. 
Ken Hitchcock, NHL Head Coach
As you move up the competitive ladder and at a certain stage your work ethic and your focus and your determination has to take over. As the pyramid narrows at the top, the only one's left standing are the ones with the best work ethic and mental toughness to compete at a level beyond others.
But, before we go any further, let me ask you a question...

Does your player have what it takes to get the maximum benefits from a program like this?

Will they be willing to put in the effort to learn and use these mental toughness skills to start developing the other half of their game?

If they start the program, will they have the discipline and commitment to stick with it to the end so they can enjoy the benefits of increased performance and decreased stress and frustration?

If the answer is YES, then I’d like to offer you a chance to get access to this exclusive "30-day challenge".

For less than a box of hockey tape, starting today you can get access to everything inside of this 30-day challenge.

Here are some of the important mental game skills they will learn in this challenge:

  • Learn how to dial-in the ideal mindset for peak performance.
  • Become a more confident and self-disciplined player.
  • Eliminate anxiety and negative thinking ​that can blow up their game.
  • Learn how to develop laser-like focus and concentration.
  • Learn how to become more assertive and aggressive.
  • Increase practice effectiveness with one simple skill.
  • Learn how to confront, perform and prevail in extreme adversity.
  • Pursue their goals and dreams with a renewed energy and motivation.
  • Overcome procrastination and inaction.
  • Quickly overcome major obstacles and personal setbacks.
  • Eliminate anxiety and negative thinking during practice and games.

I’ve also included two cutting edge training modules that are now finding their way into the best professional coaching programs in sports.

These advanced approaches to mental toughness training are the same training used by World-Class, and Olympic athletes competing in all sports and at the highest competitive levels.

Research shows that when you combine the fundamentals of basic psychological skills with what we know about brain endurance and mindfulness, players enrolled a mental toughness coaching programs like this are getting the best mental game training in the world.

The total value of this program is much higher than what I originally priced it for.

I know because other than my Mental Toughness Bootcamp program, you won't find training like this anywhere.

especially for hockey players that want to play at the elite level.

Originally I priced the program at $297 because it doesn't include the same level of training as my Mental Toughness Bootcamp which goes for much more ...

But this 30-day Challenge is a PERFECT INTRODUCTION for players that are ready to make mental toughness training a more important part of their game.

And it uses a more streamlined approach to keep players focused and on-task so they can complete the challenge and get the most out of it.

But, I really want every parent or coach that sees this offer to take advantage so I decided to cut the price in half and make it too good to pass up.

And then I thought ...

If all this did was help your player stand out like never before and play with more confidence, focus, drive, commitment, determination and resilience than they ever have, would it be worth it?? 


Well, that’s what I want more than anything!

When I see players playing closer to their potential more consistently, and see how much more they enjoy the game because they finally have strategies to deal with the frustrations and stress that comes with playing hockey.

I will do anything to get this important coaching into the heads and hearts of players everywhere.

That’s why I’m not going to charge $197 for the program. (Regular Price)

Today I'm going to offer this 30-day challenge, with everything I just talked about … things like confidence and focus and drive and commitment and on and on and on …

Today you can get The Complete Player

30-day Challenge for just


I’m not kidding … right now you can get this complete 30-day challenge with 30 targeted mental toughness coaching lessons designed specifically for the hockey mind for just $97.

And just to make this an absolute no-brainer, I'm going to take on all the risk and give you a money back guarantee. 

If your player does the work throughout the "30-day Challenge". If they put in the effort to watch the videos, do the exercises, and apply what they learn in practice and games. If they do all of that and in 30-days you don’t see a positive change in their game, then I’ll give you your money back.

But you must act now because...
I don’t know how long I will offer this program at this special price there is a strong possibility that until you add this kind of mental game coaching to their game, they will struggle to reach their full potential as a player.
And Don't Forget ...

Other players around you are learning about this 30-day challenge just like you are. 

These are the same players that you line up against week after week.

Don't miss out.

So, sign up right now and you'll be taken to the secure order form.

After you put in your credit card information, you'll be taken to a secure members' area where you can get started on the "30-day challenge", even if it's the middle of the night.

Let's be honest here ...

If you pass on this offer today are you really ever going to add mental toughness training to your players development?

Or will you keep putting it off until one day you reach a point where all the work, all the travel, all the effort might be for nothing!!

Where size, skills, and talent aren’t enough anymore, and all you can do is hope and pray they didn’t miss out on the biggest chance in their life, all because they never worked to become a complete player.

When you put off training mental toughness, you risk having them stay on that frustrating confidence roller coaster where they’re up and down, lacking consistency in their game, and struggling mightily to develop their focus, drive, resilience, composure, and emotional control so they can keep up with the best players around them.

Deciding to pass up on this offer can hold your player back in ways you can’t imagine and severely limit their upward mobility in the game.

What you need is the training from someone who knows how to coach mental toughness and can help your player take their game to another level.

Get this online mental toughness coaching now so they can add this critical element to their game and become the complete player you know they can be.

Remember, with this "30-day Challenge" they will:

  • Learn how to dial-in the ideal mindset for peak performance.
  • Become a more confident and self-disciplined player.
  • Eliminate anxiety and negative thinking ​that can blow up their game.
  • Learn how to develop laser-like focus and concentration.
  • Learn how to become more assertive and aggressive.
  • Increase practice effectiveness with one simple skill.
  • Learn how to confront, perform and prevail in extreme adversity.
  • Pursue their goals and dreams with a renewed energy and motivation.
  • Overcome procrastination and inaction.
  • Quickly overcome major obstacles and personal setbacks.
  • Eliminate anxiety and negative thinking during practice and games.

Never before has there been an opportunity like this where I can coach players on these core mental skills that are critical if they want to reach their full potential as a player.


Today Only $97

Coaching Modules in All the Critical Areas of Mental Toughness Training

Mental Toughness Training Developed Specifically for Today's Competitive Hockey Player

Exercises and Action Items to Reinforce Learning
Workbooks - Handouts - Assessments
Psychological Skills Training
Brain Endurance Training
Zen Hockey Training

Get Lifetime Access Today

Save $100 and get Lifetime Access

Is this 30-Day Challenge Right for You?

This program is just what you need if you’re ready to help your player get more out of their game, and to play better hockey more consistently. Think back to how great they play when they play with confidence and resilience and don't get down or distracted by stuff going on around them. That's what you will start seeing more often when they begin to strengthen their mental toughness skills alongside all of the other hockey skills they are learning.

Close this page right now if you think all of this mental game coaching is just overkill and they will eventually learn all of these skills and strategies on their own (and hopefully before they find themself in a situation where mental toughness is the difference between moving up or getting left behind). 

Today's player must include this kind of training in their hockey development if they have any hope of moving up and playing at the same level as the best players around them.

The reason the best players are the best players is because they have both hockey skills and mental toughness.

Don't fool yourself that skill and talent alone are enough ... use this 30-Day Challenge to introduce them to the world of mental toughness training and use it as a catalyst to spark their game so they're playing at a level that both you and they know they can.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

The coaching program is delivered completely online using video, text, and downloads.

Players will log in to access the lesson area each day and work their way through all of the modules over the 30-day sprint. Some of the lessons have "Action Items" they are to complete. Results will be sent to their email. (OPTION: Some coaches will ask you to forward your exercise for them to look at).

How much time will they need to spend on the course each week?

One hour a day for the next 30-days. If they carve out a time each day to do the work, they can expect to spend just 1 hour each day going through the video lessons, doing the homework, and participating in (or watching the recordings). However, they can go at their own pace if they need too. I prefer to do the challenge as a full sprint so that they can begin to incorporate these skills right away, but if something comes up or they want to go more slowly, the lessons, assignments, and recordings will always be there to access at any time.  As for working on the weekends, this is up to you. Some prefer to take weekends off while others go full out for 30-days straight. 

Will this really work for me?

Are they are willing to put in the time and do the work? If the answer is yes, then they will be more mentally tougher after the challenge than they were before they started it.

Keeping that mental toughness going, however, will depend on whether they continue to use the skills they learn in the challenge so they can turn them into automatic habits. (just like they're doing with all the other hockey skills they are learning).

I've put this program together to make it as easy as possible to start learning and using the core mental game skills necessary for any player that has the desire to play and stay at the elite level.

What age group is this for?

This coaching program is essential for any player that wants to play or stay at the elite level. Whether they are a skilled Pee Wee ready to play in the Tournoi International de Hockey Pee-wee de Québec, or a hotshot 14 year old headed into the Bantam draft, or a passionate AA player with their eye on a AAA team. Age isn't the question as much as their level of commitment, determination, drive, and maturity to do the work. 

Any player willing to put in the effort will benefit from this program whether they are a D1 College player, Major Junior player and all the way down to u12, u14, u16, and u18. 

For Mites, Novice, Squirts, and Atoms, I recommend parents go through the program themselves and find strategies that are relevant for their younger player and then look for teachable moments where you can begin to teach them some of these important skills. 

This 30-Day Challenge will provide them with mental skills and strategies they may have never even heard of while at the same time teach them how to use these skills in competition to get the most out of their game regardless of age.

Is this all I need or is there more after this?

Mental toughness training, just like every other skill in hockey, is a never-ending cycle of learning and using, learning and using.  Step 1 is exposing players to this kind of coaching so they understand it is as important, if not more important, than all of the things they've learned so far. It might be different and new, but its importance can't be overlooked.

Players that have little to no exposure with mental toughness training should definitely start here.  Players with more exposure and experience with mental toughness training can look for more advanced training options such as my Mental Toughness Bootcamp or Private 1:1 coaching, however this program is just as powerful for the advanced player as it is for the up and coming player.

Will we get to work with you directly?

This program is designed to lay the groundwork to make sure that mental game training is a part of every players development.  I've said this over and over but I believe this kind of training should be mandatory for every player in the game.  That's my mission with everything I do.

While the program is designed to be self-guided, there will be opportunities for Live Group Calls and a Community for everyone to share experiences and swap war stories. 

For those looking for more personalized coaching options I will offer special pricing for one-on-one coaching, player assessments, and custom coaching plans. Just reach out and we can discuss these and other options in more detail.

If you're on the fence, ask yourself ...

What do you have to lose. Sadly, there are not a lot of alternatives out there to get this kind of mental game training, and literally none, other than my programs, designed for hockey players. So, now is the time to add this to your players hockey development and see for yourself what a big impact it will have on their game.

If they make an honest effort to do the work and start struggling, or fall behind, or start wondering if this is really for them. Let's chat. 

If I can't help you get them back on track, then we'll call it a loss and I'll just refund your money.

Hear what some happy players, coaches, and parents have to say:
When we first reached out to you my son was in a slump. He wasn’t scoring and he was also having difficulty adjusting to a new team, new coaches, and a higher level of play. Once he started using your coaching he immediately turned around and found the confidence and tools he needed to succeed. We learned that mental preparation and confidence are equally important to skills training and physical development. Your guidance was a key factor in helping him achieve success on the ice, and to reaching higher levels in hockey.

D. Rosen

We were fortunate to connect with you when we did. With your support, he was not only able to manage the challenges but he learned how to apply your tools to each challenging situation and thrive on them. As the new season approaches, I can't tell you how much of a comfort it is as a father (whose son is living away from home) it is to know that he has another mentor and positive influence in his life. Not to mention the tools, materials and knowledge to manage and learn on his own. Forever grateful,

T. Kruse

Hey Doc, I just wanted to send you a quick note that my wife and I really appreciate your influence and advice over these past months. It seems like everything is clicking and our son is playing better than he ever has, and on his way to reaching the goals he's set for himself in hockey. Can't thank you enough.

R. WIlliams

As a former player and coach at the Professional, College and Junior levels, I see every day how important mental toughness is in players. Without grit and mental toughness players won't reach their full potential. Dr Dub offers everything today’s player needs to strengthen their mental toughness. His background and educational prowess clearly show the passion he brings to the table to not only prepare players but to help them each step of the way

 Coach MacCauly, Dematha Prep

Are You Still Wondering if this 30-Day Challenge Will Work for You?

Your player will succeed after completing this 30-Day Challenge if...

They start to incorporate the strategies they learn in the challenge into practice and and games starting right away. 

You've seen how good they play when they are on. It's time to bring that level of consistency, focus, drive, commitment, and compete to their game that you know is in them, but they've struggled to show you consistently.

They can follow instructions. 

Seriously, I've developed a proven process that has already worked for hundreds of players. Even if they've never considered how important the mental part of the game is, by the end of the challenge they will have the strategies and skills they need to put a new level of toughness to work in their game.

They're willing to do the work and put in the time. 

You won’t find any tricks, hacks, or nebulous life philosophies in this program. I've cut through the crap to get down to what it means to be a mentally tough player. What I call a Complete Player. If they put in the time and do the work, they will be a more mentally tough player,

don't miss out on this special offer

Today Only $97

  • Coaching Modules in All the Critical Areas of Mental Toughness Training
  • Mental Toughness Training Developed Specifically for Today's Competitive Hockey Player
  • Exercises and Action Items to Reinforce Learning
  • Workbook - Handouts - Assessments
  • Psychological Skills Training
  • Brain Endurance Training
  • Zen Hockey Training
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Disclaimer: When addressing performance enhancement matters in any of our websites, videos, newsletters, programs, or other content, we've taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent our programs and their ability to help players increase their performance and achieve results. However, by purchasing this Program you accept and agree that you are fully responsible for your progress and results from your participation. By purchasing this Program you accept, agree, and understand that we offer no representations, warranties, or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding your enhanced performance or results of any kind. By purchasing this Program you understand because of the nature of the program and extent, any testimonials or endorsements by our customers or audience represented on our programs, websites, content, landing pages, sales pages or offerings have not been scientifically evaluated by us and the results experienced by individuals may significantly vary (Results listed may not typical for everyone). Any statements or outlined on our websites, programs, content, and offerings are simply our opinion and thus are not guarantees or promises of actual performance. We offer no professional legal, medical, psychological, or financial advice and your participation in this program is voluntary.